Symbol of courage and strength——Books

Publish Time: 2019-04-23     Origin: Site

Symbol of courage and strength——Books

World Book Day is known as the World Book and Copyright Day, also known as "World Book Day," and the original idea came from the International Publishers Association. In 1995, it was officially confirmed that April 23rd was the "World Book and Copyright Day". The purpose was to promote more people to read and write. I hope that everyone can respect and thank the literature that has made great contributions to human civilization. Cultural, scientific, and ideological masters protect intellectual property rights. On this day of the year, various celebrations and book promotion events are held in more than 100 countries around the world.


Development History

In 1972, UNESCO issued a call to the world to "go to the reading society", requiring members of society to study and make reading an indispensable part of people's daily lives.

In 1995, the International Publishers Association proposed the "World Book Day" at the 25th World Congress, and the Spanish government submitted the plan to UNESCO. Later, Russia believed that "World Book Day" should also increase the concept of copyright. The proposal to set up World Book Day was proposed by Spain and was inspired by the "St. George's Day" in Catalonia, Spain. According to "Library Magazine", World Book Day comes from a legend in Catalonia, Spain: the beautiful princess was trapped in the mountains by the dragon, the Warrior George defeated the dragon and saved the princess; the princess gave it back to George. A gift is a book. From this book becomes a symbol of courage and strength. April 23 became the "St. George's Day". During the festival, residents of Catalonia have the custom of giving roses and books to relatives and friends.

In 1995, UNESCO announced April 23 as "World Book Day." April 23, 1616 was the anniversary of the death of the famous Spanish writer Cervantes and the famous British writer Shakespeare.

Purpose of establishment

UNESCO chose to become World Book Day on April 23, inspired by a beautiful legend. April 23 is the day of the Spanish writer Cervantes, also the popular festival of Catalonia, St. George's Day. In fact, the same day is also the anniversary of the birth and death of Shakespeare. This is also the birthday of many writers, such as American writer Nabokov, French writer Maurice DeLand and Icelandic Nobel laureate Laxis. Therefore, this day becomes a global book day and seems to be "reasonable."

In 1972, UNESCO called on the world to “read society” and asked members of society to read books. Books became a necessity in life, and reading became an indispensable part of everyone's daily life. In 1995, UNESCO announced April 23 as World Book Day, dedicated to promoting world reading, publishing and intellectual property protection.

Purpose of establishment

I want people scattered around the world, whether you are old or young, whether you are poor or rich, whether you are sick or healthy, you can enjoy reading, respect and thank you for your contribution to human civilization. The literary, cultural, scientific and ideology masters who contribute can protect intellectual property.

On this day of the day, celebrations and book promotion events were held in more than 100 countries around the world. However, this day is not widely known in China. In the past two years, publishers and bookstores have had some public welfare activities.

Theme declaration

The theme of World Book Day is: "Who wants to live in different parts of the world, whether you are old or young, whether you are poor or rich, whether you are sick or healthy, you can enjoy reading. Literature, culture and science masters who respect and appreciate the contributions of human civilization can protect intellectual property."

Ways of celebrating

On this day, bookstores across the country hang a striking celebration sign, an open book with a heart in the middle. In Spain, April 23 is a popular festival in Cervantes and St. George in Catalonia. The legendary warrior George Toron rescued the princess and received a gift from the princess, which symbolizes knowledge and strength. On this day, Catalan women give their husband or boyfriend a book, and men give a rose.


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